About Thomas Fitzgerald

Thomas is a professional fine art photographer and writer specialising in photography related instructional books as well as travel writing and street photography. 

Delicate Nature with Fuji X-E1

Delicate Nature with Fuji X-E1

Despite my reputation as more of a street photographer, I actually love taking pictures of nature too. I have a huge collection of Nature images in my archive, which I'm slowly getting around to organising and getting online. Even when I don't intend taking images, I usually have my camera with me and even simple little things can make nice photos. 

Lately I've been getting some nice images with my X-E1. I like capturing the delicate nature of nature, from the little details of leaves to pattern of bark on trees and so on. It might not be award winning, but it makes for some nice peaceful images. The X-E1 does a great job of capturing the delicateness in these scenes, especially with the 35mm lens (which wouldn't be a typical nature lens, but I don't have the 60mm any more, so anyway) and even more so when you convert the images with Photo Ninja. I find that many of the fine textures and details that make up natural images don't render nearly as well when using Lightroom on its own. 

Here are some shots I've taken recently. They weren't taken with the intention of going on a nature shoot, and they weren't supposed to be works of art, but I like the way the light falls, and the way the patterns and light and colours make for some nice and peaceful imagery. 

Fix a stuck preview in the Lightroom Develop Module

Fix a stuck preview in the Lightroom Develop Module

The Lightroom Diary is Back in action

The Lightroom Diary is Back in action